- General Requirements
- a) Articles received in English or Indonesian are scientific writings that are the result of community service and have never been published in print media or other electronic journals.
- b) Articles are typed in Word with the provisions of A4 paper (21 x 29.7 cm), top / bottom / left / right margins in sequence: 3/3/4/3 cm.
- c) Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English using Times New Roman letters, one Columns, 10-15 pages spacing including bibliography, made in one column.
- d) Articles are sent via to log in, do the register first to get the password and username, after that log in with the user and password that has been made click on new submission follow the steps of the journal contributor flow guide, finally click Active Submission. After completing, you can inform the manager of Journal of Tourism and Interdiciplinary Studies (JoTIS) via email to the format: name, address of the institution, mobile phone number, and correspondence address.
- Article Writing Systematics
AUTHOR'S NAME, written in full without title and without font position Time New Roman 12 pt, bold, written in line to the bottom (if the author is more than 1) starting from the main author, complete with institution name, email address (to be published), and telephone number (unpublished).
ABSTRACT, This document provides formatting instructions for the author to prepare manuscripts in the Journal. Authors must follow the instructions given in this document for journal writing procedures. Authors can use this document as instructions and a template that can be replaced with the author's manuscript. For the abstract format, with a maximum number of 200 words, written in English, containing the issues and focus of service, goals of service, research methods/approaches/strategies, and community service results. (Times New Roman, 12 pt, italics). Abstracts are given 3-5 keywords to facilitate the preparation of the article index.
INTRODUCTION, The introductory section contains an explanation of the problems, challenges, or needs of the community (partners) that underlie or inspire the implementation of community service activities, objectives, and results of literature review. The entire introduction is presented in an integrated manner in the form of paragraphs. (Times New Roman, 12pt).
IMPLEMENTATION METHOD, The implementation method section contains an explanation of the stages or steps used to solve the problem or describe the solutions offered to overcome the problems of the community (partners) including the language used, tools, evaluation and statistics to analyze the data. Writing in the form of paragraphs. (Times New Roman, 12pt)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, The results contain a description of the results of the community service process, namely an explanation of the dynamics of the mentoring process (various activities carried out, forms of technical action or program actions to solve community problems) and explaining the emergence of expected social changes.The discussion contains a description of the discussion of community service results, theoretical discussions that are relevant to the findings of community service results. Also discussed the theoretical findings of the service process from the beginning to the occurrence of social change. The discussion of the results of this community service is strengthened by references and theoretical perspectives that are supported by relevant literature reviews. (Times New Roman, 12pt)
CONCLUSION, This section is a section that contains conclusions and suggestions. The conclusion will be the answer to the achievements and/or goals. Conclusions should not only contain repetition of results and discussion. It should be a summary of the results as expected by the author in the objectives. Suggestions contain a follow-up plan (RTL) related to the author's ideas. presented in paragraph form. (Times New Roman, 12pt)
THANK-YOU NOTE, Contains a description of gratitude or acknowledgment to parties (individuals or institutions) who are directly or indirectly involved in the success of community service program activities. (Times New Roman, 12pt)
BIBLIOGRAPHY, Use the latest references (maximum in the last 10 years) as a reference in writing articles. Writing bibliography using American Physicological Association (APA) style. Every citation contained in the article must refer to the bibliography. At the end of the quoted statement or sentence, the author's last name and year of publication are added. The last name and year of publication of the cited article are written in parentheses. Example: Fresh tempeh cannot be stored for long because tempeh can only be stored for 2x24 hours (Sarwono, 1996).
In general, the American Physicological Association (APA) style format is as follows: Author's Last Name, A. (Year of Publication). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume (issue if any), page. Below is an example of writing references in the bibliography according to the American Physicological Association (APA) style.
- Additional Provisions
a) All pages (including attachments, and references) are numbered by page.
b) Each table or figure is given a serial number placed in the center of the table or figure, the title is placed after the number that matches the contents of the table or figure. The data source is placed at the bottom left of the table or figure.
c) Citations and references in the text are written using bracketed reference techniques (author's last name, year: page number)
For example:
- One source of citation with one author (Jameson, 2013)
- One citation source with two authors (Spreer & Rauschnabel, 2016)
- One source with more than two authors (Lin et al., 2013) or (Surya et. Al., 2018)
- Two citation sources with different authors (Wijaya, 2018; Agung, 2015)
- If the publication year is the same (Achmat, 2013a, 2013b)
- Sources of citations originating from the work of an institution should mention the acronym of the institution concerned, for example (IAI, 2015)
d) In general, the format of the American Physicological Association (APA) style is as follows: Reference list is arranged alphabetically, Author's Last Name. (Year of publication). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume (edition if any), page. Below is an example of writing a reference in the bibliography according to the American Physicological Association (APA) style.
For example:
Ready, R. (2000). Mothers’ personality and its interaction with child temperament as predictors of parenting behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 274-285.
Spreer, P., Rauschnabel, P.A. (2016). Selling with technology: Understanding the resistance to mobile sales assistant use in retailing. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 36(3), 240-263. doi:10.1080/08853134.2016.1208100
Lin, M.G., Hoffman, E.S., & Borengasser, C. (2013). Is social media too social for class? A case study of Twitter use. Tech Trends, 57(2), 39-45.
Yonkers, K. A., Ramin, S. M., Rush, A. J., Navarrete, C. A., Carmody, T., March, D., . . . Leveno, K. J. (2001). Onset and persistence of postpartum depression in an inner-city maternal health clinic system. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158(11), 1856-1863. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.158.11.1856.
- As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single spaced; uses a 12-point font Times New Roman; employs italics, rather than underlining; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- The guideline for submit process can be accessed in this link
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
- Review Policy
Initial Screening
All submitted and invited papers should go through an initial screening process to screen papers which are not suitable or has have different focus, papers which are marginal, weak papers, etc. Only relevant and of high quality papers should be processed and sent to referees (we do not want to waste the time of the referees by sending poor or marginal papers to them). Send every paper which passes the initial screening process to be refereed by three experts.
- Refereeing Process
- If two referees accept the paper, the paper is then considered for selection. However, if they accept the paper BUT the paper only scored marginal or just acceptable for Originality, Quality, Relevance, Presentation and Recommendation then the paper is not up to the standard of the journal and the editor should reject it.
- If two referees reject the paper, the paper is rejected and the authors are informed.
- If two referees disagree, then the third referee’s decision is final. Chairperson of the Editorial Board may reject papers which have been rejected by referees but cannot send acceptance letters to authors until the selected papers for the special issue and their refereeing reports have all been reviewed by the Chairperson of the Editorial Board.
- Publication Process
- Title of the paper, names of authors, their affiliations, complete addresses and e mail addresses.
- The name, address, email address and fax number of the corresponding author to whom the proof of the typeset paper should go to for checking.
- A brief abstract.
- Brief biographical notes about authors.
- High quality and high resolution figures suitable for printing high quality figures in black and white.
If papers have been refereed and accepted and sent for typesetting, the authors have to abide by what they have written; no further changes are acceptable in:
- Author‘s details (e.g. adding more names or deleting names) or in their sequence
- The content of the paper (except for typesetting corrections) If authors wish to make changes to content, then the paper has to be withdrawn and must go back to be refereed as a new paper.
If there is any dispute about authorship or intellectual property, the paper must be withdrawn completely from publication until the authors settle their legal claims. It is not the publisher’s responsibility to solve or interfere in any intellectual property dispute.
- Typesetting
- When the papers for the special issue are accepted by the final review process, the papers are processed for typesetting and all the succeeding publication processes will be conducted by the publisher.
- The corresponding author of each paper will receive by email the proof of his/her paper to check. He/she must return the corrected proofs within seven days in order to avoid any delays in publishing the special issue. If the research society has not received a response by then, the research society will contact Guest Editors to help chase the author for a reply.
After having their corrections incorporated by the typesetter, the proofs will again be sent to authors to check and to ensure that all their corrections are included. It is the responsibility of authors to check and correct the proofs of their papers. Papers cannot be published until they are checked and approved by authors. And papers cannot be amended once they are published, except in very exceptional circumstances, so authors should take great care in approving the final version for publication.